
I have been very busy these last couple weeks and have not had a chance to blog, for that I apologize! But I am back and I wanted to update you on my progress! I have lost 17lbs since the last time we talked and I am feeling fantastic! The scale didn’t move last week and I was discouraged but then I got my monthly friend, which explained it all! Its funny because I tell my dieters all the time how water retention during that time of the month or for other reasons can be why the scale hasn’t moved but it is really tough when it happens to you. When your monthly friend visits a number of things can happen including bloating and constipation. These 2 things can cause the scale to not move or even go up and it can be quite frustrating, but just know that the next week you will have a much bigger loss! My recommendation is that everyone finds another weigh to measure their success.

Some good examples of this are body fat percentage, measurements and how your clothing is fitting. My clothing is all bagging off of me and I am wearing some tops that I hasn’t wore for months! That in itself is a great success for me!! The stress of the scale not moving itself can cause it not to move even more due to cortisol(stress hormone) production. So please do not be hard on yourself, if you are following your plan the plan is working!!! Find your success somewhere other then the scale! Your well being will thank you!

Sorry I have been gone for so long!

Hey I just realized it has been more then a week since my last post! I am so sorry! Keep me accountable if I don’t write every couple of days tell me on facebook www.facebook.com/IdealProteinEdmonton or twitter www.twitter.com/IdealProteinEdm  So I have been back on Ideal Protein for 13 day now and have lost 12lbs! I am so freakin excited!! But what I am really struggling with is the scale. I am stepping on it everyday and that is not a good thing at all. For example yesterday I stepped on it and I was up 2 lbs and today I was down 4lbs. CRAZY! And this is why you should not way everyday, it will drive you CRAZY! Now alot of people will ask you how a big fluctuation like that is possible, well it can be any number of things. For me it was water retention. I did not drink near enough water the day before and it showed on the scale. I know it sounds crazy that your body retains water from not having enough but it does. The less water you drink the more it will retain. Some other reasons why the scale can go up are constipation, deviation from the program or that you are weighing at a different time or in different clothes. So all your chronic weighers out there STOP IT! Your mental well being will thank you!And I say that to myself as much as anyone else! Have a great day! Happy losing!